Monday, August 21, 2006

Climbing like a 65 year old woman.....

Well, there has been some time passed since the last time that I've shared publicly about my discovery, but much has happened. Since then, I went home for few days, hung out with my brothers, worked at the greatest camp in the entire world (Faith Baptist Church Camp), picked up my girlfriend from the airport to hang out with my family (MANY stories from that one, but I'll spare you unless you're interested...Let me tease you though, the funniest thing happened that proved my grandma is crazy....She tried to convince us that nomes are real. I'm not even kidding). But what I really want to focus on at this time is how much my life has changed over this summer.

I don't think I can do adequate justice by a simple (or in my case, lengthy) post, but I will try. Basically, the LORD had to break me (which he did) in order to restore me (which he did). He had to show me my areas of weakness (which, I found out, was 2 core things I struggle in) and have him remind me that I'm not useless, but am plenty talented in other areas and can still minister successfully insipid of prior actions (which, he really, really showed me).

But still, that's not what I'm here to discuss. One of the messages that Dr. Casey (this year's camp speaker) focused on was our spiritual climb. Some will look up and say its to difficult when they have just begun. Others will get to a certain point and decide that they can no longer continue. And still others will never be satisfied and will continue to climb.

And that's where the story begins. A point that seemed to cary in camp was not a challenge to climb (though we should), but a challenge to help others climb. Just before he came to camp, Dr. Casey was on a Missions Trip to South Africa. On that trip, he went mountain climbing, something he loves to do. He showed pictures of the view from the top of the mountain that he was able to see because he made the climb. But as he was climbing, Dr. Casey started to get tired. He started thinking to himself that he had gone far enough, that he could see a good enough view from were he was. Just as he was thinking that to himself, a 65 year old woman passed him coming down the other side of the trail. She looked at him and said "Keep going, I've never seen anything like that. Its worth it."

And that's the push. In our spiritual lives, how often do we share with each other whets going on in our lives? How much do we push each other for our spiritual climbs? I know, that in all honesty, I have not been. I don't know that I really check up on others spiritually and how they are doing all that often. Yet, I know others have done this for me (even when I don't want to discuss it).

So here is my promise: I want people to be able to call me the "figurative, spiritual 65 year old woman" in people's lives. I want people to say, when my time on earth is done, that I pushed them spiritual so that they came to better knowledge of Christ. But this is where you come in reader: keep pushing me. I'm not yet that strong to climb all by myself, and I'm not up the mountain all that far.