Thursday, October 05, 2006

"There are 2 things that I hate in this world: People who won't tolerate other people's cultures, and the Dutch."

(Quick Note: Uber respect and cool points to the person who names where I got that quote from).

I just want to start by saying that I'm not going to acknowledge the fact that I haven't posted in over a month, and by not acknowledge, I simply mean that I'm not going to give some lame, half baked excuse. I haven't blogged in a while. You still exist. See, everyone is happy.

But there are a few things which I feel compelled to discuss with you. Not because you care. But because its my blog. And I care. A lot. So with out further ado, here are some random things that are bugging me right now.

1.) For the first time in I don't know how long, I could care less about the baseball playoffs. I don't even have one once of care. Honest. I have no one to cheer for. I HATE all the teams in the AL, and the Quad A league (also known by some as the National League) has one legitimate player (AlbertPuljos) that's even worth watching. Usually, when my team(s) (this constitutes of the White Sox, Cubs, or Phyllis) don't make it in, I piggyback some other team and enjoy the show. But, I hate New York (this rules out the Mets and Yanks), I am required to hate the Twins and Tiggers (though, secretly, I think I may be cheering for the Tigers and refusing to admit it), can not stand the arrogance of A's GM Billy Beane, who if you asked him, invented baseball (so that eliminates the A's....and I also can't stand the fact that they are supposed to be the GREAT team each year, and choke every year.....they are like the Buffalo Bills (early 90's) of baseball, only they don't even get to the ALCS every year. This makes me mad.), and in Quad A, no one is any good at all. The Cards (whom I hate anyway because they are a Midwest "but everyone loves the (insert Midwest team name in here)" team) have ONE great player, who may be the best player ever when its all said and done. And oh yeah, they almost had the greatest season collapse of all time. Until the Astros (with steroid user Roger Clemens, sometimes referred to by me as "scum of the earth") chocked more and chocked first, but the Cards still backed into the playoffs (not good). Then there are the NL West teams....Which don't even peak my interest. At all. Someone should let these two GMs know that these old guys (see Kenny Lofton, Mike Piazza, Nomar, Greg Maddux, Hideo Nomo....) left their prime like 4 years ago. I'm just saying. So I don't care who wins. And that bothers me. I'm a sports fan. I should care. And I don't (so try and convince me that I should care and I just might pretend).

2.) Al Davis needs to die. Or get a terminal illness. Now. Ok, that is harsh. And by no means do I actually wish death or illness about, especially when it comes to something as trivial as sports. But, the man who once brought the Raiders into prominence is now the man who is driving them into insignificance. Singlehandedly. For those of you who don't know, Al Davis is the owner of my favorite NFL team, the Oakland Raiders. Al has done many good things ever since he has owned the team for the last 40 plus years, things that have made football into what we see today (and this is a fact; Al Davis, love him or hate him, is one of the 5 most influential people in NFL history). But, he wants to run the organization at the age of 5.2 million years old (ok, 70 something). Thing is, the game has passed him by. People no longer associated with the Raiders (because Al got mad at them) tired to warn him about signing this guy, or letting this guy go, or not hiring this guy and etc,etc,etc. But Al won't listen. And now, The Raiders have officially replaced the Clippers (who are actually good by the way) has the team in professional sports that could be good, but their owner is killing them. Why do you think Art Shell has a job right now? Because no one else wanted to work for crazy Al Davis. Seriously. 8 coordinators or college coach's could have made more money then they currently are, but turned down the job because Al Davis was involved. So Al hires a guy that hasn't coached in 12 years, and the last time he did coach, got fired by Al because he was a bad coach. See the logic in that one (neither do I!!!). I'm not saying I know more than Al Davis does, but the Raiders aren't this bad when I sim on Madden.

3.) I could care less about the NFL or MLB anymore. Know why? BECAUSE NBA TRAINING CAMPS HAVE OPENED! I realize I may be one of the 19 people in the world who care about this, but I do. And you know why? Because my Houston Rockets are legit contenders again. Honest. Check this out:

Caption: From Left to right: Shane Battier (Forward), Yao (Center) T-Mac (Point Forward) and Bonzi (Power Guard)

That ladies and gentlemen are Houston Rockets and they will play in a style that will not only be entertaining, but that will win ball games. We traded Rudy Gay and Stromile Swift and all their potential (which, remember, Derrick Colman had potential too) to the Griz for my favorite Dukie of all time, Shane Battier (so you can get me and #31 Rockets jersey for Christmas Mom). The signed Bonzi Wells to a 2 year $5 Mil contract, which is a steal considering his talent. We traded a 2nd round pick for Kirk Synder. We got a guy whose name I can't spell who was the key go in the Greece offense that beat Team USA in the World Basketball Championships this summer. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, we have the best 1-2 combo in the league (T-Mac and Yao) back strong and healthy. We can run with the Suns by moving Battier to the 4 (ala Shawn Marion). We can pound the ball like the Spurs. We can run and gun with the Mavs. We can beat the Knicks by 40 (ok, insignificant I know). I'm actually cutting short my preview because I know that in all reality, you aren't even reading what I have written (if you want more in depth analysis on ANYTHING NBA, please let me know and I will be happy to discuss them with you). Thing is, my team is back, and I'm ready to roll (when Yao and T-Mac both go down, I finally realize all of Shane's talents he doesn't have, Bonzi won't pass the ball, Kirk Snyder tries to punch out Coach Van Gundy, and Mt. Mutumbo is the best player on my team, just share in my hurt please).