Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Ok so Thursday and Saturday of last week, I had the privilege of being involved with one of (if not the) best recitals in Maranatha's history. I consider myself somewhat of an expert of MBBC Recitals because I am the unofficial-official "Fine Arts Recital Usher." Hayley's was top notch. This summer she traveled as part of an MBBC ensemble team with Nick Peterson, Ann Marie Fredricks (Poorman), Nathan Sutherland, Liz Stertz (Fain), and Jill Brewer (Canada) on piano. They even made a CD, nothing professional, but I have it and listen to it a ton. For the recital, they sang "By The Gentle Waters" (minus Mrs. Fain......That whole newlywed thing makes it tricky). Hayley sand a bunch of other songs too. The one she sang with her Father from "Beatuy and the Beast" was probable my favorite. But I really liked that "Diva" song she sang too (which is also the one she did for an encore). All in all, a very virtuoso perfuming and she did an excellent job. It easily ranks as probable my favorite performance to date (with Ann's and Yaffah's being a very close 2nd. Not that there's was bad. They were great. But I used in Hayley's (unlike Ann's because she was set already) and Yaffah's I didn't quite have the funny story quite like the one I'm about to share.)

Ok so here is the funny story: Hayley has this one song in German.....Or Latin........ Or French or something that was Un-American. The song was about how much she missed her proverbial lover (presumably he has died). She wants to hold him and kiss him and all that stuff because she misses him so much and stuff. So I asked Julie Kerr if I could suggest something to dear Hayley ( I told Julie what I was going to say). Julie laughed and told me it would be funny (then suggested something else that has nothing to do with this post).

So the night of the big performance came and Hayley was awesomely amazing. After her encore, I was backstage waiting for her to come back so I could give her the flowers I got for her. So I was told her to come back back stage (like on the steps before you would enter the gym). I was worried that she was going to laugh heartily and loudly that would disrupt Dr. J's prayer......Or smack me with something causing me to yelp loudly.

So we are backstage and Hayley says:

"So what did you need?"

Me: "Well, you know that whole German, or Latin or French or whatever foregin language song that wasn't American about losing your lover and wanting to hold him and kiss him and stuff?"

Hayley: Yeah (fill in the blank with a foreign song name here)?"

Me: Yeah I guess. Well, I just wanted to let you know that from now on, if you need someone to make out with, you don't have to sing a passionate song in public. Just give me a call and I'll be there.

Hayley paused for like a half a second before she burst out with laughter, knowing how stupid I was being (I think it was a funny story, no matter what). That half second though was somewhat perplexing. She had this look on her face that said 1 of 2 things. Either:

A.) I'm horrified that YOU would even suggest such a thing that included me. The thought that you think that you are in my league is comical to me.


B.) I'm completely shocked that you of all people just suggested that. You have trouble talking to women in the general sense suggestion is comical to me.

I'm thinking it was (B.) knowing Hayley and by the fact that she said (after laughing):

"Ok. Thanks. Now I know who to call from now on."

Ok, maybe this story wasn't that funny to you. But I thought it was really funny because Hayley laughed too. She is really cool and did a great job. Great singer, awesome girl; thanks for the laugh Hayley.

!NEW! Quote of the Extended Time Periond (and quick notes)

Let me give you a quick run down of the actually phone conversation:

Mom: Yes, she seemed like a very nice girl.

Me: Thanks mom, you almost remember talking to her, for that I am proud.

Mom: No I remember her, she had red hair.

Me: No she doesn't. She has blonde hair.

Mom: Thats what I ment.

Me: Thats a big difference.

Mom: I remember talking to her, she seemed nice.

Me: Mom, you would say that about anyone. Seriously.

(this kind of has a point to it for future posting purposes. This part of the conversation was HYSERTICAL when I tell you about something in a post in the near future)

Dad: So are you like dating this girl?

Me: No. Why?

Dad: Why not. She's a girl. Thats a step in the right direction.

Me:Your not about to say what I think your about to say again are you?

Dad: Well do you have a girlfriend?

Me: No Dad, same news as always on the love life. Nothing.

Dad: Get a girl soon Johnboy.

Me: Why, whats the rush?

Dad: You better hurry or else they will run out.

Me: Did you just suggest to me that if I don't get a girlfriend soon, they will run out? Like since when did women become like a line at the deli counter? *DING* Your numbers out! Sorry, we are all out of women today, come back for more later. Dad you do realize that women make up like roughly half of the world's population right?

Mom and Dad: (laughing very hard).

Me: You also know that this is why I never send pictures home and more and why I don't like introducing you to my friends that aren't guys, and why I never ask you for any kind of advice on this stuff right? Seriously, I'm not even kdding about this. And stop asking Jayson {my older brother} to ask me about stuff like this at school, he actually doesn't care and tells me he is just asking because you two want to know.

Mom and Dad: (more laughter).

Yes, I need a girl friend soon, because you are all going to like disappear or something. Sorry ladies, I didn't know it was happening either. But for your own saftey, someone is just going to have to take one for the team and date me. Or not.

A post about Hayley's recital and other antics are coming soon (as soon as I get those pictures).

Friday, January 27, 2006

Mark Poorman:Borderline genius

Ok, so I'm officially nominating my friend Mark Poorman for the Nobel Peace Prize for making a discovery that has changed the course of human events. Sort of. Kind of. In a way almost. Well he told me something that I thought was completely ridiculous and he turned out to be 100% correct.

It all started like 2 years ago. Well for as long as I can remember anyway. The point is, for the longest time, Mark has been telling me that if I would gel my hair and not just let it look like I just woke up or just got out of the shower, that it would be a good thing. His point was that "girls would notice." I found this concept to be completely ridiculous until I did some science experimentation.

When I went home for Christmas break, I decided that when I actually left the house, I would gel the hair exactly the way Mark taught me (he showed me a method to use when I went on "date like activities" where I have to get all dressed up nice and stuff). I did it a couple of times when I went to church and hung out with some BJU/BBC/Tenn Temple friends. No big deal.

The morning of New Year's Day proved the first stage in Mark's genius. I had been out at my older brother's house hanging out with him until about 3 AM. When I woke up and got ready to go to church, I didn't bother to gel my hair (I didn't bother to shave either, but I had a goatee at the time, so I think that was ok). When I got to church, I walked in a saw a few friends chatting, so I Natalie went over to communicate with them. It got quiet when I got there after they had been giving me odd looks and whispering. Just before we all went in to sit with out parents or each other in the auditorium, my friend Natalie (whose transferring here in the fall from Tenn Temple. Be nice to her when she gets here; super cool girl) asked if I was feeling ok. I ofcourse was, just a little tired, but felt fine. She then followed up with "Do you have hang over?" I ofcourse was repulsed by the mere proposition that she thought that. When asked why she thought that she responded: "Well I dunno. You look all dishelveled and kind of out of place. And you didn't do your hair, you look really sloppy." Now I'd like to interject here that Nat is a very intelligent young lady, not some goofy dumb blonde (no offense, but I think you get my point). I was wearing what I always did to church and I looked fine (my mom complemented me out the door......Then again, she has been saying that every Sunday AM I've been home; "Aw Jonathan, you look so handsome for church this morning......All though I'm not sure that tie matches at all.")

I decided that Mark's theory needed to be further tested. So when I came back to school, I decided that I was going to gel my hair everyday for the first week. You should have heard the compliments I was getting from so many people. There were people (specifically some females) that I never even have really talked to that had come up to me that week telling me how nice my hair cut was. HELLO!! I'VE HAD THE SAME HAIR CUT SINCE I WAS IN JR. HIGH!!! All the sudden I gel my hair and I look nice? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. I want all of you to know that.

But then again, Mark was right, so whatever works.

More tomorrow (a new "Quote of the Extended Time Period if I can figure it out!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Greatest Invention......

Ok, so yeah, I haven't posted in a few days. I know. My bad. There have been a few things at home that I've been kind of dealing with that still aren't really resolved. Anyway, an actually "quick" post from me.

I have discovered one of the greatest things of all time. For those of you who don't know, Sean Hannity is probablly my favorite pundit (political talker) ever. I own all his books (I have 2 copies of one of them......I don't know why), check his website on a fairly regular basis, and when at home, listen to his radio show EVERY WEEKDAY (his solgan: "3 hours a day, that's all we ask".....and Sean, I'm happy to comply). But here is the thing. Ever since I came out to school here in lovely Wisconsin, I haven't been able to listen to Sean. Very dissapointing.

Until now......

See, ever since I got this Ipod thing (which is just amazing) I found all these neat things I can do. One thing is called a podcast (props to Justin and Matt who introduced me to these things). A podcast is basically a radio show digitialized so that I can download it onto my computer and then my ipod. Well, the other day (Monday) I found "The Sean Hannity Show" podcast. I now listen to my main man Sean commerical free, just a day late (which I'm ok with).

Quick sidenote: because the down loads are commercial free, its not a full 3 hours, it's actually less than 2. Really cool. Back to the post:

I've also download HOURLY podcasts from CNN news. I get a 5 minute news blurb. Its like TV, only better. I love it. There are a couple basketball podcasts I download (because I'm a freak), plus other political pundits (Bill Maher....yeah, he is a flamming liberal, but he is funny and gives the view that I don't hear, something I need to better educate myself in). There are also some comedy bits we've got (need I say more than "Ask A Ninja?")

Matt started downloading podcasts. He's got a bunch of science stuff on my CPU, which is fine. But what's really cool is the 2 church podcasts he's downloaded (now on a regualr basis): Covenant Life Church and the BJU Chapel hour. Good stuff.

Moral of the story, I now rank the Ipod(with Podcasts) among the greatest inventions EVER

my list:

1.) Printing Press
2.) Cotton Gin
3.) IPod (with podcasts)
4.) the light bulb
5.) the automobile
6.) the game of basketball (thank you Dr. James Nasmith)
7.) Power Point (it helps me learn in classes.......I stuggle without it, I don't take notes well).

That's just my list, feel free to leave your own, or call me an idiot for whatever reason you might.

More, later...........

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Welcome and Intro

Welcome to my NEW AND IMPROVED bl0g. Much thanks to Justin Jones to help me set up these links and stuff, because I'm an idiot and I don't know how to do anything like that. I like the backround and stuff. It gives a very "Declaration of Independance" feel to my blog. That is cool.

Quick run down of the new blog:

"The Quote of The Extended Time Period"
This is where I'm going to put random quotes that strike me in a particular fashion. They may be funny, they may be serious, they may even be something that you have said (in which case I will quote you). I didn't do quote of the day or week because I never know when I'm going to change it. A new quote will always be followed with the story behind the quote to throw in it context for you. Like this quote of the extended time period from Rick Majerus. For those of you who don't know, Rick Majerus is currently an analyst for ESPN college basketball games. He was one of my favorite coaches when he coached at Utah. He is funny, witty, a good guy whom the media, players and fans alike all loved. If I ever coached, I'd be like him (a hero of mine of sorts). The thing is, Rick had to stop being a coach because of all the stress involved and how bad is health is. The guy weighs like 450 lbs., he is huge. Thats a part of the reason this quote is funny; a big guy saying "I'm not a big Gay guy." But, durring half time of some game I was watching with my older brother, Majerus and Steve Lavin (another former coach turned analyst.........well he was just not a good coach actually) were talking about the potential of UConn Forward Rudy Gay (I have opinions on this matter myself if you care to know.....which I know none of you do). Lavin talked about how he thought Gay would be a good player. Majerus responded with "I dunno Steve. I'm not a big Gay guy." High comedy all around. My brother and I just burst out laughing. Not to mention, Steve Lavin also laughed at him. Its a funny quote.

"Sights Slim Sees"
These are websites and blogs that I visit every single day, sometimes more than once....usually more than twice. Let me give you a rundown of each site and explain why I like it and why you might enjoy it.

Bobby Endyk-- Bobby is a cool guy. He really needs to blog more, but we are working on that with him. The head usher here at MBBC is a solid guy who is a joy to be around. If you don't believe me, ask his fiance' Val, she'll tell you.

Chelsea Czidsc7qp-- I feel like a real jerk, because I know how to spell Chelsie's last name. I know how to pronounce it (she tells me it's "Chick-cry".....right?). So JJ and I decided to go with "C-z-random assortment of numbers and letters." It works. The English/Speech double major may be one of the few people at MBBC who will beat out my time of 6 years of undergrad work. Chels is also a member of the infamous "Minnesota Mafia" (check out the old school pictures of the gang on the blog.....my kids grow up so fast these days). I almost forgot to mention about her heritage: Korean by birth, Eastearn European by right, American through and through, desiring to be British. Somehow it all makes sense.

Clutch Fans--In case you didn't know, I'm an obsessive compulsive Houston Rockets fan. This website is where I get my Rox fix on all things Rockets. Its where other freaks like me argue about stupid things like "Does Tracy McGrady shoot too much in practice therefore making him tired for the game thus lowering his shooting percentage?" I didn't get into that debate, I'm not quite that hard core believe it or not. I just want you all to realize that there are bigger freaks than me out there. I know, scary thought.

Dave Marriott -- Dave is one of the latest additions to the blogging craze. He holds his own though. Lots of pictures, stories about dumb things, or how God is challanging him in various ways. Good guy, probablly going to church with us this semseter, good blog. Dave had this whole running gimmick about "hold the phone" in all of his posts, but someone told him it was dumb ( I won't mention any names) so he stopped. I liked it. I think he should bring it back.

Emiley Yogerst-- Even though I've only even began talking to Em like in October, its ok, because she's pretty cool. She goes to church with us too. She also counts as one of the few Mid-western peoples I like (I say few, but there is probablly a lot more than I'll admit). She gave a very good speech at her sister's wedding (so good, I almost teared up....almost) and she looked nice wearing all that pink (which I'm sure you loved that Em). She also loves Northland Camp. A lot. If you want to make her day, just ask her about why she loves it up there. She spent like an hour talking to me about it (maybe some day I'll make it up there). Oh, and don't let me forget that she is an El. Ed major. Ed majors are cool. She also has the most creative way to link me: "Slim, uh Messenger." Nice.

Hannah Kutz -- she is kind of my boss in the kitchen (don't forget though Hannah, Rick calls me the "Sandwich Czar"). She also helps serve the Jr. Class Vice President (I think that's what we call you.....I don't remember exactly). One of the 6 of us on the cam team traveling for the school this year. Camp team members are very cool.Also an El Ed. Major. Ed majors are cool. She should be on here by furtue of the fact that she has quoted John Adams on her blog and she lists Marv Munyon on her sites. I'm a Social Studies major and I don't do that. Very impressive. Now if only I could get her to list me on her website listing on her blog. Maybe I should drop a subtle hint in my blog. No I don't think that would work. Maybe I should just tell her. Maybe she'll just randomly figure it out. Who knows?

Justin Jones-- Justin gets mega props for many things. First, he is one of the few homeschoolers I like (quite the feat I might add). Plus he is also a hummanities major, and may someday convince me to change my major (all though Ed majors are cool). Don't let me forget that he helped me put this site together. Oh yeah, there is all that Excalibur stuff he lets me do too, even though I haven't been at a practice in like 3 semesters due to various circumstances. Also one of my Vice Presidents. He's traveling for the school for like the third time, but on a music team (ok, I'll say it just for you JJ: traveling members are cool). Justin also scores points because his family likes me a lot. I'm not really sure why, but they seem rather entertained by me (that youth rally was totally fun).

Matt Ledgerwood-- Matty doesn't get to post too often because he is bsuy working (at least he was busy working) at Ironwood Camp. Matt is a cool guy I miss seeing around and giving me a big smile and telling me how much he liked to see me (how you could you not be in a good mood after someone would say that to you?). Big points for being the only person to give me a standing ovation after my stand up bit last spring.

Matt McCarnan--Ok, I'll be honest, I'm pretty sure Weezer is the guy who started the whole "blog craze" at MBBC. He's had one for a while (his sister made it so all the family could keep intouch, even if Luke never posts) and was the first person I knew that had a blog. Matt scores big points for (out of all my friends) probablly putting up with the most amount of junk I give people.....oh and that whole "getting me an extra job to actually make money so I can stop taking out loans" thing, that was cool too. I have to take a quick second to acknowledge Matt's dad, Mr. McCarnan who I know will be reading this (he won the contest Matt was sponsoring on his blog about trying to find my new site)
Mr. McCarnan,
Sorry about not getting back to you through e-mail, I'm really bad at that. My solo went ok, but I don't think I'm ever going to do it again. I did get a "date" to the play then, Chels even put pictures up on her blog somewhere (though I look like I have no idea what's going on, she looks great though). So you and the Mrs. didn't have to get involved. Thanks for the offer and concern though.

Nic Howe--I know he hates me saying it, but Nic has the most random blog ever (though I have a feeling that you all will say mine is LONG and random). Nic is a great guy who also happens to have ADD (we haven't actually proved this, but we are pretty sure you can't prove that he doesn't have ADD; make him tell you about how his mom used to put him on a leash to go to the mall, high comedy). I like reading Nic's blog because I'm never sure what I'm going to get, but I usually leave challanged or laughing. Either way, I need to get Nic to blog a bit more since he hasn't done so in about a month now.

Roberta Shepp-- My favorite 6 foot female drama queen (aka "Speech Major"). I'm totally disapointed that I could not actually be in her recital, but she found a good Russian anyway (it'll be fine Bobbi, many people are praying hard for you). I don't think I've ever talked to Bobbi without one of us laughing hysterically. Even when she called me to try and figure out if I could be in her play or not (you know, I couldn't call her because I was avioding her becase I didn't want to tell her I couldn't do it), we still ended up laughing a good bit durring the conversation.

Sportsguy-- I'm pretty sure none of you will ever check this site out (nor would you for "Clutch Fans") but the "Sports Guy" Bill Simmons is a writer for ESPN. All his columns consits of mixtures of pop culture and sports. I love reading this guy and am upset when he doesn't write on somedays(why does he need a vacation??)--by the way, I'm disapointed on days you guys don't post either. He gives many quoteable statments which I sometimes use, but no one knows where I got them from because you don't read the Sportsguy. I also kind of developed my writing style from him (stuff like my random thoughts in parentheses....like that). I enjoy it.

So thats what I got here on the new blog. Let me know if you like or not. As always, more later...........

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Joining the Club

Having noticed the relative popularity of Blogger (and because I cave to peer pressure), I've added myself to its esteemed pages.