Tuesday, January 31, 2006

!NEW! Quote of the Extended Time Periond (and quick notes)

Let me give you a quick run down of the actually phone conversation:

Mom: Yes, she seemed like a very nice girl.

Me: Thanks mom, you almost remember talking to her, for that I am proud.

Mom: No I remember her, she had red hair.

Me: No she doesn't. She has blonde hair.

Mom: Thats what I ment.

Me: Thats a big difference.

Mom: I remember talking to her, she seemed nice.

Me: Mom, you would say that about anyone. Seriously.

(this kind of has a point to it for future posting purposes. This part of the conversation was HYSERTICAL when I tell you about something in a post in the near future)

Dad: So are you like dating this girl?

Me: No. Why?

Dad: Why not. She's a girl. Thats a step in the right direction.

Me:Your not about to say what I think your about to say again are you?

Dad: Well do you have a girlfriend?

Me: No Dad, same news as always on the love life. Nothing.

Dad: Get a girl soon Johnboy.

Me: Why, whats the rush?

Dad: You better hurry or else they will run out.

Me: Did you just suggest to me that if I don't get a girlfriend soon, they will run out? Like since when did women become like a line at the deli counter? *DING* Your numbers out! Sorry, we are all out of women today, come back for more later. Dad you do realize that women make up like roughly half of the world's population right?

Mom and Dad: (laughing very hard).

Me: You also know that this is why I never send pictures home and more and why I don't like introducing you to my friends that aren't guys, and why I never ask you for any kind of advice on this stuff right? Seriously, I'm not even kdding about this. And stop asking Jayson {my older brother} to ask me about stuff like this at school, he actually doesn't care and tells me he is just asking because you two want to know.

Mom and Dad: (more laughter).

Yes, I need a girl friend soon, because you are all going to like disappear or something. Sorry ladies, I didn't know it was happening either. But for your own saftey, someone is just going to have to take one for the team and date me. Or not.

A post about Hayley's recital and other antics are coming soon (as soon as I get those pictures).

1 comment:

Dave Marriott said...

maybe if all the girls knew that you are the resident specialist on dispensationalism...Darby couldn't have phrased it better himself, "Israel and the church are comletely different." Now if this news gets out slim, your phone will be flooded with girls who wanna date you.