Thursday, February 02, 2006

The stupidest thing in the !NEW! MBBC Dining Commons.....

Want to know something that absolutely annoys the tar out of me? Good, because I'm going to tell you.

I'm sure you have all been in the dining commons at some point in time when a worker has dropped some object (i.e. stack of cups, plates, bowls, etc.). Then, a room full of idiots claps.

Now I know not everyone in the room claps. But the ones who do clap are complete and total morons (and yes, I realize I am making a reference to some of my friends---BUT I DO NOT CARE!) .

Here's my problem: put yourself in that person's shoes. You already feel like a total idiot because you've dropped something infront of like a billion people that you know and now they are all clapping reminding you just how much of a clumsy idiot you are for being human and making a mistake.

It happened this morning and I was enraged. I told all the guys at my table to stop clapping because it showed their maturity level. I can't stand this, it's so stupid. It what way does this possibly edify or encourage others?

I'm not saying that you can't have a good time or laugh at something you or a friend did. But that's not what this is. This is just mocking someone else because they made a mistake; this is putting ourselves on some sort of higher pedestal to make us feel good that we aren't that person.

So next time you see someone drop something in the dining commons, don't clap, help them pick it up (quick point: I know some of you do this already. I know Bobbi Shepp has done it on more than one occasion and that people thought they were clapping at her; in any case, she didn't care and just tried to help someone out. Way to be the bigger person Bobbi).


Anonymous said...

I applaud your efforts, Jon Paul. :)

theJRT said...

AMEN! Thank you for addressing this issue. This action does not say much for one's maturity level and its about time someone let them know this. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

frankly, calm down. next: i clap because: if i ever drop something (and i might on purpose, just to do it), i /expect/ to be clapped for. to me, it's not about debasing someone else, it's not about lifting myself up, it's just a meal-time tradition that i've always done, like passing the salt and pepper together. i do it out of a clear conscience, not mocking or tearing down. if my maturity is questioned, so be it. if that person is offended, they can talk to me. cake.

Anonymous said...

I wholeheartedly agree with you. I don't do the clapping thing either since it really does make the person feel bad. For those who say they do it out of a clear conscience, well, they obviously still don't get the idea that it is not happening to them. It is happening to someone else, and they need to think about the other people rather than some tradition.

Anonymous said...

Thanks mess for saying something. I agree that the tradition is highly idiotic and needs to stop. To McCarnan no3 you may not feel the embarrassed when you are clapped for and even expect to be clapped for, but what about a insecure freshman girl who it's her first day on the job? Think about others first.

Dave Marriott said...

ya always gotta be thinking about the insecure freshman girls...what about those insecure staff members? They never get any attention. When Dr. J or Dr. Brock drops a dish, nobody wonders about their feelings or insecurities.

jules said...

i'm with u ALL the way on this one, jon! PREACH IT ;)