Wednesday, June 28, 2006

O Brother(s) Where Art Thou?

I miss my brothers. That's all I really have to say. For whatever reason, I miss them at this time of year than any other time of year. Yeah, Christmas and Thanksgiving and other times are spent with your family, though they usually are more concentrated on other areas (like the reason we celebrate that holiday). But for whatever reason, the summer months is when I really miss my brothers. For the first time since I've been alive, I won't be watching the NBA Draft with my older brother's. We have just always had some sort of unspoken tradition. I brought the pizza, he provided drinks and a big screen TV and surround sound (which came in handy when my Rockets selected Yao Ming with the #1 overall pick a few years ago). We would sit there and just soak up the basketball, the conversation, and the ability to make fun of our younger brother Josh. The past two years Sarge (that's his new nickname we gave him) has been off at boot camp and various such things. We just make fun of him because he doesn't like sports and would rather watch anomie. But the conversation could quickly turn into why I'm the black sheep of the family:

Josh: Your a pansy.

Me: I am not.

Jay: I think he's got a point.

Me: Why because you 2 and dad have motorcycles and I refuse to even get on one?

Josh: You are scared of bikes. So yeah, your a pansy.

Me: I am not scared of them.....Well maybe Dad's because you know how he is about his Harley. But I'm not scared of motorcycles.

Jay: You want to go for a ride?

Me: No. You know better. Stop asking.

Jay: Fry (that's my nickname at home), the bike weighs at least 3-4 times more than you do. You won't fall off.

I miss that. I miss the being made fun of in a way that only brothers can get away with. Josh and Jay were both ridiculously smart. Josh was actually my "tutor" in chemistry, Physics, and Algebra.......Even though he was 2 years younger and hadn't taken the classes yet. This is the same kid, whom when he took his Army apptitdue test, missed one question. Not bad. But he went into the recruiter's office, told the recruiter which question he missed, told the recruiter the right answer and that he had pressed the wrong button. Josh is an evil genius. He has so much talent and itelligence, yet, all he wants to do is be a grunt in the army. Don't take that the wrong way. Its not you are an idiot if you are a grunt. But traditionally, they but the less intelligent guys out on the front line. Josh just wants to "blow stuff up "(he has said that about a million times). The army has decided that Josh will become an engineer.

Jay could have done whatever he wanted. He was just naturally smart. He never really gave much effort, but he always did well enough. He could have went to college, but had no desire to do more schooling (nor does Josh). Yet Jayson remains one of the most influential, intellectual people I talk too. I'm almost certain that my love for political books and sports books (you know, that "non-fiction" genre thing) comes from him. I don't think I've ever seen him read or have a fiction book in his library (and if you saw his book collection, you'd know it rivals the local library). Jay really is one of, if not the brightest person I know.

I miss the cookouts with our extended family on which all our cousins would join in on the "Josh Bash." I miss Jay calling me up and saying, "want to go see a movie?" and then paying for it (I miss that a lot). I miss Josh coming home from work and saying "I want Chinese food. You want to go? I'll buy." I miss going over to Jay's house with Josh to play Halo, only to realize how terrible at video games I am. "Fry, you might be the worst Halo dude ever. You just lost to my 5 year old. Did you stop trying or what?" And so, I was forced to order and go get (but not buy) pizza from our favorite restaurant: A&M. But, that's just one of those dumb things we would kind of randomly do.

Sorry for the babble. I'm not sure what else (or what I'm actually trying) to say. I just miss my brothers.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What I've been up to lately....

Well by popular demand (from Steph Davis, (by the way, yeah, you can add me to your links, I'm not going to be offended; I'll wear it as a badge of honor) and by virtue of the fact that I have time and the internet (yes, its true folks, even when School isn't in session, I'm hanging out there to use the internet)) I will know inform you all of things that have been going on.

First, I read on Ryan's blog a few days/weeks ago about how he was disappointed that "West Wing" was going off the air, how it was good TV, if your are a Liberel's Liberal (ala Martin Sheen, good cast job folks) or a Sean Hannity conservative, this was good show. I can't comment, because I've never really seen it. But those whom I trust their opinions on these things (I'm counting Ryan as one of these people by the way) all say the same thing: its a great show because its about the lives of those around the White House.

That brings me to the point of what I'm about to say. A few years ago, you all missed out on one of the best shows (my favorite of all time infact) that was ever on TV. "SportsNight" was the original "Dramedy." Half comedy, half drama, always making me want next week's episode. I know what you are thinking, the only reason I liked the show was because it had to do with sports and what it would be like if I were a Sportscenter anchor, my dream job infact. Well, I say your a moron and here's why: I got the McCarnan's hooked on it. I have the DVD box set (there are only 2 seasons) because a friend who also loved the show bought the set for me. During summer school, Luke broke out the DVD's just to watch something and to kill some time, ended up loving the show. I began watching again with him, remembering why I liked the show so much. Matt didn't get into right away, but for whatever reason, got hooked on it too. Matt and I finished both seasons a few days ago, and are suffering from withdrawal. Its drama. Its comedy. It was awarded "T.V. Guide's Best Show You Not Watching" Award both years. Its a shame no one watched, I could really use some more episodes. Dan Rydell (one of the anchors) is the best character in all of fiction. I'm not even kidding. I've argued about this with my English Major girlfriend. She suggested some dude from "Pride and Prejudice," which made me reminder her that we don't live in the 1800's anymore, and that Dan is cool. If anyone wants to borrow "SportsNight" from me so you too can experience the man known as Dan Rydell, let me know, I'm willing to share.

On a sports note (skip this paragraph if you don't care), I think I've got a fever, and the only prescription is a World Cup Championship for Team USA. It won't happen, because no one will come close to Brazil, but its a dream. Actually team USA won't even make it out of their grouping because of losing to the Cz Rep yesterday, 3-0. They now must beat Italy and Ghana. And oh yeah, Italy is like, good or something. So my soccer obscene will be over shortly, then we can get back to more important things in life, like just about anything else but soccer. But I have 2 quetsions regarding team USA: 1.) I've typed and talked about Team USA so much, that I want to know why we didn't just send over the Mighty Ducks. I think Emilio Esteves could have coached these guys. Maybe I'm crazy. (2.) How is Freddy Adu not on this team?? Isn't he supposed to be like the best player in America, despite being like 16 years old? How did he not make our national team? How is this possible? Ok. I'm done with soccer for now.
Onto basketball, where I completely missed the best NBA playoffs since......well, possibly ever. The Mavs are just killing the Heat right now. But don't worry, that will change. Dwane Wade will take over in game 3, Miami will win 2 out of 3 at home, and Dallas wraps up the series in 6 games at home. Book it.

I also saw the Camp Team head off. I don't know why. I felt odd, and I think I made them feel awkward. I don't really have more to add about that.

FINALLY, its official. I am now a Humanities Major (Letters Emphasis), History minor and coaching concentration. I have 50 credits to take, and I'm done. 2 years. Here's the thing that may stir up some controversy: 3 years ago, I decided to come to MBBC rather than go to Clearwater. Clearwater had a major that I really liked and wanted to do: Sports Management. Basically I'd learn how to be a general manager, athletic director, scout, coach and other stuff involving sports. DREAM MAJOR for me right? Seemed so. So why did I choose MBBC instead? Honestly? I thought it was selfish of me to want to do that. I figured that if I wasn't in some form of full time Christian service (like teaching, because I really am not led to preach), that I wasn't really doing the will of God. So I forced myself to do something that I thought would be fun, I'd be marginally successful at, and I could be in some form of Christian service. Now, I somewhat regret not going to Clearwater. I know the Lord's purpose was at hand through all of it. I came to MBBC and met some great friends (I'd be avoiding the truth too if my girlfriend went unmentioned here), faculty and staff, and a great church home. From that perspective, that's what made the decision right for me. That I got to meet so many Godly folk and influences on my life. But did I really avoid God's will for my life? Its such a complicated topic, I don't know what I really think. That's why I'm looking for help/answers/opinions. Right now, my plan is to graduate from MBBC in 2 years with my humanities degree and get master's in Sports Management from somewhere (right now, it looks like an online Masters, which is just scary). I don't really know what else to say right now. Leave me some comments or something friends.