Tuesday, June 13, 2006

What I've been up to lately....

Well by popular demand (from Steph Davis, (by the way, yeah, you can add me to your links, I'm not going to be offended; I'll wear it as a badge of honor) and by virtue of the fact that I have time and the internet (yes, its true folks, even when School isn't in session, I'm hanging out there to use the internet)) I will know inform you all of things that have been going on.

First, I read on Ryan's blog a few days/weeks ago about how he was disappointed that "West Wing" was going off the air, how it was good TV, if your are a Liberel's Liberal (ala Martin Sheen, good cast job folks) or a Sean Hannity conservative, this was good show. I can't comment, because I've never really seen it. But those whom I trust their opinions on these things (I'm counting Ryan as one of these people by the way) all say the same thing: its a great show because its about the lives of those around the White House.

That brings me to the point of what I'm about to say. A few years ago, you all missed out on one of the best shows (my favorite of all time infact) that was ever on TV. "SportsNight" was the original "Dramedy." Half comedy, half drama, always making me want next week's episode. I know what you are thinking, the only reason I liked the show was because it had to do with sports and what it would be like if I were a Sportscenter anchor, my dream job infact. Well, I say your a moron and here's why: I got the McCarnan's hooked on it. I have the DVD box set (there are only 2 seasons) because a friend who also loved the show bought the set for me. During summer school, Luke broke out the DVD's just to watch something and to kill some time, ended up loving the show. I began watching again with him, remembering why I liked the show so much. Matt didn't get into right away, but for whatever reason, got hooked on it too. Matt and I finished both seasons a few days ago, and are suffering from withdrawal. Its drama. Its comedy. It was awarded "T.V. Guide's Best Show You Not Watching" Award both years. Its a shame no one watched, I could really use some more episodes. Dan Rydell (one of the anchors) is the best character in all of fiction. I'm not even kidding. I've argued about this with my English Major girlfriend. She suggested some dude from "Pride and Prejudice," which made me reminder her that we don't live in the 1800's anymore, and that Dan is cool. If anyone wants to borrow "SportsNight" from me so you too can experience the man known as Dan Rydell, let me know, I'm willing to share.

On a sports note (skip this paragraph if you don't care), I think I've got a fever, and the only prescription is a World Cup Championship for Team USA. It won't happen, because no one will come close to Brazil, but its a dream. Actually team USA won't even make it out of their grouping because of losing to the Cz Rep yesterday, 3-0. They now must beat Italy and Ghana. And oh yeah, Italy is like, good or something. So my soccer obscene will be over shortly, then we can get back to more important things in life, like just about anything else but soccer. But I have 2 quetsions regarding team USA: 1.) I've typed and talked about Team USA so much, that I want to know why we didn't just send over the Mighty Ducks. I think Emilio Esteves could have coached these guys. Maybe I'm crazy. (2.) How is Freddy Adu not on this team?? Isn't he supposed to be like the best player in America, despite being like 16 years old? How did he not make our national team? How is this possible? Ok. I'm done with soccer for now.
Onto basketball, where I completely missed the best NBA playoffs since......well, possibly ever. The Mavs are just killing the Heat right now. But don't worry, that will change. Dwane Wade will take over in game 3, Miami will win 2 out of 3 at home, and Dallas wraps up the series in 6 games at home. Book it.

I also saw the Camp Team head off. I don't know why. I felt odd, and I think I made them feel awkward. I don't really have more to add about that.

FINALLY, its official. I am now a Humanities Major (Letters Emphasis), History minor and coaching concentration. I have 50 credits to take, and I'm done. 2 years. Here's the thing that may stir up some controversy: 3 years ago, I decided to come to MBBC rather than go to Clearwater. Clearwater had a major that I really liked and wanted to do: Sports Management. Basically I'd learn how to be a general manager, athletic director, scout, coach and other stuff involving sports. DREAM MAJOR for me right? Seemed so. So why did I choose MBBC instead? Honestly? I thought it was selfish of me to want to do that. I figured that if I wasn't in some form of full time Christian service (like teaching, because I really am not led to preach), that I wasn't really doing the will of God. So I forced myself to do something that I thought would be fun, I'd be marginally successful at, and I could be in some form of Christian service. Now, I somewhat regret not going to Clearwater. I know the Lord's purpose was at hand through all of it. I came to MBBC and met some great friends (I'd be avoiding the truth too if my girlfriend went unmentioned here), faculty and staff, and a great church home. From that perspective, that's what made the decision right for me. That I got to meet so many Godly folk and influences on my life. But did I really avoid God's will for my life? Its such a complicated topic, I don't know what I really think. That's why I'm looking for help/answers/opinions. Right now, my plan is to graduate from MBBC in 2 years with my humanities degree and get master's in Sports Management from somewhere (right now, it looks like an online Masters, which is just scary). I don't really know what else to say right now. Leave me some comments or something friends.


woodlandtrek said...

Hey Slim, I was in a similar situation. For the longest time, I've wanted to be a medical doctor. But, I knew that God was leading me to the mission field. So-I thought, Great! how about medical missions? I planned on going to BJ to take a pre-med degree. Well, that door got closed. God clearly lead me, through His Word, to Maranatha. I really didn't want a general degree, so I decided to get grounded in my theologies. Still holding on to my dream of becoming a doctor, I added a huge science minor, which I hoped would prepare me for the MCATS. The first semester of changing my minor was crazy- God closed that door, too. Now that I am "finished" with school. I said to myself, "self, what shall I do?" Try nursing. I just received my Certified Nurse Aide certificate and through working on the floor in a nursing home, I've found out that I don't really care for the job itself, but I do love to spend time with the people offering them a little TLC. Moral of the story, I just want to be in a position to serve Christ by loving others and giving them an opportunity to meat my Great Saviour. Now, you might be thinking, OK, Christine, how does this apply to me? My point, God's will, for us, is an every day thing-not a far off futuristic thing. As we walk in His will, He grants us the desires that He wants us to have. As long as you are walking with the Lord to the best of your ability, he will lead through your desires. If, after you graduate, you still have the desire to pursue your dream, GO FOR IT! God is not going to leave you hanging. His way is Perfect and He wants you to know it even more than you want to know it! Keep trusting and waiting, Slim. His answers are coming:-)

Sarah said...

I don't know you, so you may not want to hear advice from a stranger. :-) I got to your blog from Steph's blog, by the way.
I think the topic of "determining God's will" is far-reaching and somewhat complicated....but I will tell you this. I think that your reasoning for coming to Maranatha may have been somewhat immature and "spiritualized" if you will, but I also believe that your reasons for loving it here answer your question. Can you be happy--truly happy--outside of God's will? If you really enjoy all of those things about MBBC as you say you do, then I think that it is God's will that you are here. God doesn't always have the same plan for our life as we have for it--He may be preparing you in other ways for a different form or direction of life occupation than what you dream of. Also, I think any person in any type of work should have the Bible preparation that you are receiving at MBBC.
All that said, I think that too many times people over-analyze God's will and try to put it in some kind of solution rather than just trusting that where they are (aside from being unscriptural) is God's will for them at that time. If you are in tune with God, He will lead you without some mystical lighting flash. It may just be feeling content where you are at....

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, there isn't an easy answer for this type of thing. I wish that I could assure you that going to MBBC was God's will for you. (Mostly because we never would've met if you had gone to Clearwater.) Whether or not it was, however, that is what you did. So while you can't go back and change your past, you can control your future. And God has told you what your future is- loving Him, keeping His commandments, being constantly in His Word, and growing so close to Him that His desires become your desires. If you're living each day in His will, you can't live your life out of it.

oneweekend said...

Dude, I think Freddy Adu got grounded last week for staying out until 10:37 with his girlfriend.

I totally understand the paragraph about decisions and second guesses. Trust me. I am 22, I have been to Iraq, I am married, I am a college dropout (for the time being), I have worked just about any kind of job you can name--if anybody has made choices that can be second guessed, I have.

But I think that is the point. Personality and individuality come down to the choices that we make. Who you are is simply a collection of choices. Second guessing choices that you have made is second guessing who you are. If you could go back and change some of the decisions you made, you would be going back and changing who you are.