Thursday, July 20, 2006


Hello to all my faithful readers. I am sorry that our time together has not been as fulfilling on my part. Things have been slightly busy over the past few weeks. I also did have a post written and tried to post it. However, when I went to do the Blogger spell-check, it came up as a pop-up (which are blocked by MBBC’s filters or something). I tried to temporarily allow pop-ups so as to correct my numerous grammatical mistakes. However, once I did that, for whatever reason, my entire post (which I had spent 45 minutes working on) was deleted. I was not happy. I wanted to punch a hole in a screen. But I refrained. I stayed cooler than the other side of the pillow (thank you, Stuart Scott). I began working on a new post. But before we jump into that, I just wanted to say that I have been working an odd schedule and internet time has been limited. But there has been another distraction in my life.

The past 2 weekends, I had the opportunity to spend time with my girlfriend.

Now I know what most of you are thinking (if you even kept reading to this point). That this is going to be one of those sappy posts and you are probably going to feel the need to vomit before the conclusion of reading this. With fair warning, there is potential for that. I’m not going to promise that this won’t be, but I’m not going to say it will be. This is what it is.

Last weekend, the McCarnan’s were kind enough to allow me to drive with them (actually, I drove on the way there while they napped) up to Northland for the “Freedom Celebration.” I’ve never been up to Northland, and, I did have a little bit extra motivation to visit this time. I had a great time. I got to meet all the people that Chelsie has referred to over the phone during conversations, got to hang out with my home boy Luke, got to hang out with other friends that I haven’t seen but missed over summer from school (this means you Clint, Em, Nic, Nik, Bobbi, and Micah), and also got to meet some people whom earned legendary status, though, we had never actually met (read: Ryan Berg).

I had a blast. But I didn’t do much. I must have made a billion “drinking the kool-aid” jokes to Emily (though I never did have a glass when I was up there……disappointing), went to the (Red) team and staff meetings, and just got to hang out.

This past weekend, Chelsie got to come down and visit for a short amount of time while coming with other who were visiting from Northland for Bobby & Val’s Wedding reception. She got here at like 5: oo PM on Sat, so that didn’t give us a lot of time. But sometime is better than no time. We went over to the Werner’s house to go to Ben’s party type thing and hung out there for awhile. Then we came back to go ‘ol Watertown and dropped her off at Naomi’s house. Sunday was filled of church, Moe’s, church, wedding reception and a little bit of hanging out in the basement watching DVD’s in the afternoon. Then she left again. And that’s cool. I had fun for a few hours.

Here’s the big news: She’s coming home with me for a few days. It’s kind of scary. I mean, meeting my family. I’ve been trying to hid them, but to no avail. Actually, it’s not that big of a deal. There really is nothing to worry about. My entire family will like her simply because she is a girl (I’m not kidding about that really). I’m really just delaying the inevitable. I’m scared to death to go visit Minny. I have like 0 desire… fear is completely overtaking any joy that may come out of a visit to the Twin Cities. I mean, I realize that I have to go eventually. I’m just in no real hurry. I kind of like it the way it is now: hanging out at Northland, in Watertown, and at my house.


jules said...

awe, i'm real glad you got to finally go see northland and friends ;) hope things are going well, see u in a month or so...

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited to visit Pennsylvania. :) I'm nervous to meet your family though. Just 3 more weeks!

Dave Marriott said...

answer your phone

Slim said...

Sorry Dave. Hope we worked that out.