Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Greatest Invention......

Ok, so yeah, I haven't posted in a few days. I know. My bad. There have been a few things at home that I've been kind of dealing with that still aren't really resolved. Anyway, an actually "quick" post from me.

I have discovered one of the greatest things of all time. For those of you who don't know, Sean Hannity is probablly my favorite pundit (political talker) ever. I own all his books (I have 2 copies of one of them......I don't know why), check his website on a fairly regular basis, and when at home, listen to his radio show EVERY WEEKDAY (his solgan: "3 hours a day, that's all we ask".....and Sean, I'm happy to comply). But here is the thing. Ever since I came out to school here in lovely Wisconsin, I haven't been able to listen to Sean. Very dissapointing.

Until now......

See, ever since I got this Ipod thing (which is just amazing) I found all these neat things I can do. One thing is called a podcast (props to Justin and Matt who introduced me to these things). A podcast is basically a radio show digitialized so that I can download it onto my computer and then my ipod. Well, the other day (Monday) I found "The Sean Hannity Show" podcast. I now listen to my main man Sean commerical free, just a day late (which I'm ok with).

Quick sidenote: because the down loads are commercial free, its not a full 3 hours, it's actually less than 2. Really cool. Back to the post:

I've also download HOURLY podcasts from CNN news. I get a 5 minute news blurb. Its like TV, only better. I love it. There are a couple basketball podcasts I download (because I'm a freak), plus other political pundits (Bill Maher....yeah, he is a flamming liberal, but he is funny and gives the view that I don't hear, something I need to better educate myself in). There are also some comedy bits we've got (need I say more than "Ask A Ninja?")

Matt started downloading podcasts. He's got a bunch of science stuff on my CPU, which is fine. But what's really cool is the 2 church podcasts he's downloaded (now on a regualr basis): Covenant Life Church and the BJU Chapel hour. Good stuff.

Moral of the story, I now rank the Ipod(with Podcasts) among the greatest inventions EVER

my list:

1.) Printing Press
2.) Cotton Gin
3.) IPod (with podcasts)
4.) the light bulb
5.) the automobile
6.) the game of basketball (thank you Dr. James Nasmith)
7.) Power Point (it helps me learn in classes.......I stuggle without it, I don't take notes well).

That's just my list, feel free to leave your own, or call me an idiot for whatever reason you might.

More, later...........


Dave Marriott said...

hmm slim, good list except you forgot some key candidates. Never overlook the power of the george foreman grill...bad idea. George Formean vs. Chuck Norris, I gotta go George because you can't keep a big ole brother down. What about the perfect egg maker? What about the pez dispenser? I think you have some serious answers to give me Slim. I call you into question...

Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure the fountain pen was the greatest invention ever- that and the paper clip. I'll give you the printing press, though, that's a good one too. :)

Anonymous said...

marriot, chuck norris invented george foreman. he's a robot. a chuck-bot. other comments: i want to see chuck norris and 'ask a ninja' go at it.