Friday, January 27, 2006

Mark Poorman:Borderline genius

Ok, so I'm officially nominating my friend Mark Poorman for the Nobel Peace Prize for making a discovery that has changed the course of human events. Sort of. Kind of. In a way almost. Well he told me something that I thought was completely ridiculous and he turned out to be 100% correct.

It all started like 2 years ago. Well for as long as I can remember anyway. The point is, for the longest time, Mark has been telling me that if I would gel my hair and not just let it look like I just woke up or just got out of the shower, that it would be a good thing. His point was that "girls would notice." I found this concept to be completely ridiculous until I did some science experimentation.

When I went home for Christmas break, I decided that when I actually left the house, I would gel the hair exactly the way Mark taught me (he showed me a method to use when I went on "date like activities" where I have to get all dressed up nice and stuff). I did it a couple of times when I went to church and hung out with some BJU/BBC/Tenn Temple friends. No big deal.

The morning of New Year's Day proved the first stage in Mark's genius. I had been out at my older brother's house hanging out with him until about 3 AM. When I woke up and got ready to go to church, I didn't bother to gel my hair (I didn't bother to shave either, but I had a goatee at the time, so I think that was ok). When I got to church, I walked in a saw a few friends chatting, so I Natalie went over to communicate with them. It got quiet when I got there after they had been giving me odd looks and whispering. Just before we all went in to sit with out parents or each other in the auditorium, my friend Natalie (whose transferring here in the fall from Tenn Temple. Be nice to her when she gets here; super cool girl) asked if I was feeling ok. I ofcourse was, just a little tired, but felt fine. She then followed up with "Do you have hang over?" I ofcourse was repulsed by the mere proposition that she thought that. When asked why she thought that she responded: "Well I dunno. You look all dishelveled and kind of out of place. And you didn't do your hair, you look really sloppy." Now I'd like to interject here that Nat is a very intelligent young lady, not some goofy dumb blonde (no offense, but I think you get my point). I was wearing what I always did to church and I looked fine (my mom complemented me out the door......Then again, she has been saying that every Sunday AM I've been home; "Aw Jonathan, you look so handsome for church this morning......All though I'm not sure that tie matches at all.")

I decided that Mark's theory needed to be further tested. So when I came back to school, I decided that I was going to gel my hair everyday for the first week. You should have heard the compliments I was getting from so many people. There were people (specifically some females) that I never even have really talked to that had come up to me that week telling me how nice my hair cut was. HELLO!! I'VE HAD THE SAME HAIR CUT SINCE I WAS IN JR. HIGH!!! All the sudden I gel my hair and I look nice? This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard in my life. I want all of you to know that.

But then again, Mark was right, so whatever works.

More tomorrow (a new "Quote of the Extended Time Period if I can figure it out!)


Dave Marriott said...

ur trying to prepare for the blogger rankings...well mr slim, ur "feeble efforts" just may earn you a decent spot on my list...

Unknown said...
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