Monday, May 01, 2006

Weekend Wrap-up.....

Some notes from this weekend, and a promise of a future post.....

--first, my extension church is awsome. No doubt about it. They gave us all (there is 7 of us) like love offering this weekend for all the stuff we did. Not that we did it to get paid. But they did it anyway. Did I also mention that they also feed us and give us homes to stay in every afternoon? Yeah, I feel like a jerk at church sometimes because I defly have done nothing to deserve any gifts from these kind folks. And don't let me forget to mention the teens bought at the coffe shop tonite. I love me some Frozen Hot chocolate. Yes I do.

--Don't eat Taco Bell 3 nights in a row. Don't eat it 2 nights in a row. I would recomend only eating it in extreme circumstances. Just trust me. (I did not do this, but I know someone who has).

--The annual Leland Campout was held this weekend. I hate camping. But I went due to guy purposes. Loved it a ton. GREAT TIME!! Maybe I'll share more later.

--I hate white gloving. Oh yeah, I haven't started yet.

--Kobe Bryant is the best basketball player right now on the planet. No doubt. If you think differently, you are wrong (its ok that your wrong, you just need to know that you are wrong). This guy is amazing. I haven't seen one player take over a playoff game like this since some guy in Chicago wearing #23. By the way, I think I also sold my soul this weekend.

---durring the game, I also provided 2 quotes of the extended time period, which I may elaborate later on. it was good stuff. Jeremy and Clint couldn't stop laughing. I was being serious when I said it, they said that's what made it funny.

--Post coming tomarrow after the Camp Team/other ensambles who don't matter (kidding) dinner/meeting thing. It'll be a long one, and a tad emotional about someone who is leaving me (and no, it's not about Chelsie, so shut up and read it.)

.....until tomarrow

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

was the frozen hot chocolate from latte donatte? just curious:)