Thursday, April 20, 2006

Some quick random musings about stuff you don't care about....

You are being warned now, only read this if you actually care about my opinions of the NBA. If not, don't read. Don't complain to me later either, that what this warning is for.

Well, the NBA season wrapped up last night. Playoffs are set. I'll predict a little later. My award picks:

Rookie of the Year: Chris Paul, PG, NO/OKC -If you think anyone else deserves it, you haven't watched basketball all year. And you are a moron.

Most Improved Player: Boris Diaw, UTIL, PHX- Well, I guess technically, this should just go to Steve Nash. No way is this guy that good without him. Went from being a random dude on the Hawks to random dude who got a triple double. Weird. By the way, I refuse to give this award to good players (ala Tony Parker, Lebron James, or someone who is already really really good). The simple fact is that good players are supposed to be good and get better. Giving them an award for doing that doesn't make sense. Giving the award to a guy who goes from being a random guy on the team to a solid contributor is what this award is all about. Congrats Boris!

Coach of the Year: Flip Saunders, Det- I hate saying this because I hate Detroit. But Flip is the man. He got them to score, without losing that D of theirs. Did you think they were going to win 64 games? No you didn't, you liar. The fact that they were on pace for 70 at the All-Star Break is incredible. This is hotly contended, but, I think Flip deserves it (especially considering that he never got any credit in Minny).

Sixth Man of the Year: Alonzo Morning, Mia-The idea behind the award is someone who comes off the bench and changes the game for his team. No one, I mean no one did that more than 'Zo did this year. There was many a time when the Heat played better (because of their D) with Zo in the game than they did with Shaq in the game. Mike Miller probably ends up getting the real award however.

Defensive Player of the Year: Andrei Kirilenko Utah- Have you seen his numbers? Amazing. By the way, this is also a guy who got a triple-double with 10 blocks (UNHEARD OF!). The only player in NBA history to have a 5X5 (think triple double, but with 5 categories and only need 5 of each stat.....again, UNREAL!). Ben Wallace probably gets it on his accolades, but AK47 deserves it.

Most Valuable Player: Kobe Bryant, LAL- I know what you are thinking. I hate Kobe too. But it doesn't matter. He simply was the best player who carried his team more than any other player. Nash can't get it because he couldn't guard me, and an MVP will make a stop in crunch time. Nash won't make that stop. Lebron has improved GREATLY, though there was that time in the beginning of the season when he was very unclutch. I just don't feel like Lebron dominated at all times. Dwayne Wade is who I wanted to pick. But he hasn't played well the past few weeks, and his team can go on without him, just not as well. With out LBJ or Kobe, the Cavs/Lake show isn’t winning 20 games, and would lose to the NY Knicks. So Kobe gets the nod over LBJ in my book. I don't have time to explain all my reasons why, but the Sportsguy convinced me last week. Click on his link on the side there and read his article about it. He's right in every aspect.



Detroit over Milwaukee, 4 games
Washington over Cleveland, 7 games
Indiana over New Jersey, 6 games
Miami over Chicago, 5 games

Detroit over Washington, 4 games
Miami over Indiana, 5 games

Miami over Detroit, 7 games


San Antonio over Sacramento, 5 games
Dallas over Memphis, 5 games
LA Clippers over Denver, 6 games
Lakers over Suns, 6 games

Dallas over San Antonio, 7 games
Clippers over Lakers, 6 games

Clippers over Dallas, 6 games

NBA Finals

Miami over L.A. Clippers, 6 games
MVP: Dwayne Wade (the way it should be)

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So here's the thing......

I'm not dead. Yet I know some of you are clamoring for my head because I haven't posted in a while. I understand this, I do. I know its not fair of me to demand you all post (some more than others) and than I don't post for random spattering of time. Please bear with me. This next week will be even crazier than the last few. I have several Dr. Perdue papers due, a Dr. Perdue project (indeed, you can only appreciate these assignments unless you've had this class), multiple tests (including a Dr. Perdue and Mr. Downs test), a 20 minutes presentation do next week and a whole assortment of other things. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that I work 40 hours a week dispersed between 3 jobs (though, my best job I have not been able to work at as much due to the other 2) and am highly active in my extension church (which is 85 miles away).

I'm not making excuses or looking for sympathy. This is all my fault for not budgeting my time properly throughout the semester. I realize too that this week will be vastly sleep deprived. Friday and Saturday are already gone and they haven't begun yet (Fri: class all day, state street all night; Sat: work LITERALLY all day (noon-4:30/5, 5:30-9:30???). I do have so much to say, and a very thought provoking post on the horizon. I know there isn't much time either before we all leave for summer ministries and abandon our Watertown bound friends (Dale, Wezer). Sorry to you all. I'm doing my best. I'll try and come up with something post project due date.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

!NEW! Quote of the Extended Time Period...

Well, I promised something by Friday morning, and here we are, a full day early. There are some changes to the blog I'd like to make, but I have no idea how to make them. For all you techies out there, please help me. Anyway, on to the story of the new quote...

So Kent and I were talking briefly as he was leaving dinner last night as I was working. The topic of a specific new couple that had started officially dating the day before was the subject of conversation. I was trying to make the case, that certain people, under no circumstances should be allowed to date. At all. Ever. I'm not saying I should be the deciding factor in all this. But I am saying, that for the good of mankind as a whole, there are people who should never be allowed to date for the reasons listed as the fact that they could potentially have children, making our world even dumber and worse than it already is. And I don't want that. Let's pick up the dialogue.

Me: I don't Kent. I think I should get veto power. He's on my floor. Don't I get a say in this matter?

Kent: I don't think so Mr. Slim. This is a good thing. Think about: it just means that they can't get with normal people. They are both weird and are now with a weird person. This is only a good thing.

Me: I don't know Kent, I'm worried about future ramifications. I mean.....What if.....Well......

Kent: Are you worried about them having kids?

Me: Well, yeah. That's it actually. I don't think they should be allowed.

Kent: Well think about it Slim: someone has to be on "Cops" for future generations.

And that's when I all but fell on the floor, laughing hysterically. Good quote Kent.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm sorry....

I know there have been complaints (and threats to remove me from the precious "links" section from certain blogs) because of my lack of posting. I am sincelry apologetic for keeping you waiting. Things have been out of control busy for me lately (though I know they are for you all too) and I really have not had the time to sit down and post. I've started 2 that just have not materialized for one reason (time) or another (someone else posted the same thought on thier blog, because I didn't finish my thoughts in time). After Wedensday, I can breathe again, and will do my absolute best to have a post to you by Friday morning. Until then, let me put into persepctive how much time I don't have:

In every year since I could ever remember, I've watched every second of the Final Four weekend games, with the culmination being "One Shining Moment" (which is the best part of the tournament). This year, I didn't watch 1 second of the games. I can usually name the starting 5 for both teams in the Champ game along with a few players on the bench, and an assistant coach or 2. This year, I can only name 1 player on each team, plus the head coaches. Thats it. And it hasn't been because a lack of interest. I really think this has been one of the best tourny years ever because of the paridy. But I haven't seen most of it. And I'm bummed. I seriously have had no time. In a few days, I just might.