Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I'm sorry....

I know there have been complaints (and threats to remove me from the precious "links" section from certain blogs) because of my lack of posting. I am sincelry apologetic for keeping you waiting. Things have been out of control busy for me lately (though I know they are for you all too) and I really have not had the time to sit down and post. I've started 2 that just have not materialized for one reason (time) or another (someone else posted the same thought on thier blog, because I didn't finish my thoughts in time). After Wedensday, I can breathe again, and will do my absolute best to have a post to you by Friday morning. Until then, let me put into persepctive how much time I don't have:

In every year since I could ever remember, I've watched every second of the Final Four weekend games, with the culmination being "One Shining Moment" (which is the best part of the tournament). This year, I didn't watch 1 second of the games. I can usually name the starting 5 for both teams in the Champ game along with a few players on the bench, and an assistant coach or 2. This year, I can only name 1 player on each team, plus the head coaches. Thats it. And it hasn't been because a lack of interest. I really think this has been one of the best tourny years ever because of the paridy. But I haven't seen most of it. And I'm bummed. I seriously have had no time. In a few days, I just might.

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