Tuesday, April 18, 2006

So here's the thing......

I'm not dead. Yet I know some of you are clamoring for my head because I haven't posted in a while. I understand this, I do. I know its not fair of me to demand you all post (some more than others) and than I don't post for random spattering of time. Please bear with me. This next week will be even crazier than the last few. I have several Dr. Perdue papers due, a Dr. Perdue project (indeed, you can only appreciate these assignments unless you've had this class), multiple tests (including a Dr. Perdue and Mr. Downs test), a 20 minutes presentation do next week and a whole assortment of other things. Oh yeah, I also forgot to mention that I work 40 hours a week dispersed between 3 jobs (though, my best job I have not been able to work at as much due to the other 2) and am highly active in my extension church (which is 85 miles away).

I'm not making excuses or looking for sympathy. This is all my fault for not budgeting my time properly throughout the semester. I realize too that this week will be vastly sleep deprived. Friday and Saturday are already gone and they haven't begun yet (Fri: class all day, state street all night; Sat: work LITERALLY all day (noon-4:30/5, 5:30-9:30???). I do have so much to say, and a very thought provoking post on the horizon. I know there isn't much time either before we all leave for summer ministries and abandon our Watertown bound friends (Dale, Wezer). Sorry to you all. I'm doing my best. I'll try and come up with something post project due date.

1 comment:

jaron said...

This post doesn't really fulfill your responsibility as a (hopefully) able bodied blogger.
Remember not everyone has the privilege of being able to send their thoughts into cyberspace - you have been granted this privilege use it wisely and always with regard to your fellow man.

With blogging power comes blogging responsibility.